Clase Senior 1962 - Colegio San  Agustín - Página 3

Artículo en  ECOS

Carmen B. Rivera
Movies and swimming fan, likes typing. Keep up with the "pesca" smiling Carmen Belén! Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. 
Juan Isidro Sánchez
Best known as Johnny. The Paul Anka of the 4th year. Mrs. . . I left the homework.
Eliza Lozada
Best known as "Bly." Miss Shorty. Nice dancer. José Luis Santos "Chewee". "Chewee'' began with the scientific changed to commercial fan of shorthand.
Luis Ramírez
Always haudy, happy, twisting and laughing. Future doctor? Student Council president Ecos Glee Club. 
Georgina Irizarry
Georgie as nicknamed. Future diplomat. Holds two titles: Miss Neatness and Miss Wilton. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Jaime Sosa
This shrimp isn't from the river he is a wolf from the sea. Nice baskethall player of the San Juan Team.
José González
Known as "Milike" quiet and humble. Our Alfred Hitckcock.
Carmen S. Hernández 
"Taty" Queen of Saint Valentine's Day." A quiet girl, when times comes to laugh, she is there. 
Rodoberto Feo
Known as "Rodo." Always with a joke. Rather mysterious. .. has many friends.
Sonia Aymat
Luli.. .speciality dancing. Loves sleeping. Does Tobi has something to do with you? ... Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Juan Antonio García
Plans to be a doctor...Known as Frankito because of Violeta... He needs always a haircut. His pastime is fixing cars... He likes music,especially movies themes. 
Ernesto Félix
"Nety" Known as "The Jockey" Run, Nety,Run.
Myrta Figueroa 
"Miss Horriness" her biggest preocupation is her hair . .. loves bowling.
Juan A. Oquendo
"Toño"... Nice with everybody Fan of the muelles" loves to watch the clock.
María S. Seise
"Cuchi"... catechists will hear news soon...
Carmen Torres
Jolly laugh...loves soft drinks Faithful "Hija
de María".
Efraín González
Gefry — President of the Altar Boys, always at hand to clear doubts about Church's activities.
Marta Quevedo
"The Red Headed" — always "temblando" — her hobby. . . making curls — always nicely combed. 
Nisa Pacheco
She's the happy gal who loves to dance. We call her Nipi. Her favorite class, Sicología, of course.
Pedro Juan García
Puyuyo — fan of baseball — serious and punctual great man of word. — Glee Club
Myrta L. González
Nice friend... Enjoys dances.. . Faithful G. S... .Movie fan.
Enrique Sosa
"Camarón Jr." "The Big Joker of the Class".. "In case of fire please let it burn"...
Milton Bird
"Pajarito" — favorite sport is swimming — Always answers saying "of course, you know. . . eh. . .eh. . . Ecos  Glee Club
Idalia Vargas
What's your problem Dalín? My hair! my hair! What are your ambitions? I'm not certain but I like to deal with people.
Ángel Rivera
"Cu-Tito Puente". Loves jokes and dancing but when it comes to studying he keeps a good standing.
Nola Pabón
Little dot with small eyes. When she begins to laugh, who will stop her? Student Council.
Myrtea Santiago
Likes everything and everybody. Future doctor,speciality — uncertain.
José M. Aviles
Manen — the good-looking and the chiclets boy of the class. Our future jockey. 
Ernesto Molinary
likes science. He is known by his nicknames Perolo, Molí, Perolo del Toboso and Tobi. Science and math drive him crazy. — Glee Club.
Angelina López
"Gélin'' — president of the 4th year — loves dancing — enjoys coming early to class.